"He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder" (Heb 11:6)
This in my opinion, is the bedrock upon which true prayer rests.
The series of accounts told subsequently is an attempt to capture precious moments in travailing prayer, as well as prove that *"if there's a man to pray, there's a God to answer".
On the 13th of May 2013, a number of friends as well as myself set our hearts to seek God for His fullness. However we cannot talk about the prayer without talking about the "pre-prayer". I believe times of prayer can and should be prayed for. Psalm 141:1 KJV
'Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee'.
Here we see David praying for a prayer he would later pray. A couple of friends, about five or more in number, gathered to pray 12hrs long in tongues. The prayer burden was simple, that 'we will pray'. 'We' implying as many as the lord would draw the following week.
The prayer meeting started on the set date and was to last for 12hrs for 4days consecutively and then cumulate in a 36hrs prayer during that weekend. *All we did was speak in tongues, worship and challenge ourselves on the possibilities in God and the New Creation Man.*
We began the prayer and God moved daily among us. By the third day we got a call from O.A.U narrating the story of a meeting in which the spirit of prophecy fell on three persons who spoke saying "I the lord is moving in U.I". When we heard that, there was much encouragement for us. By the fourth day, we heard angels sing along with us. Some heard a solo, some a duet and yet some a full choir. It was new to us and so very exciting.
*The first week was trailed with deep passionate prophetic intercession, sincere worship and strong words that challenged our reality.*
Testimonies came in everyday ranging from academic miracles, to financial miracles and healings for people both in attendance and those prayed for in absential. *The theme was simple "all things are possible".* As we concluded the last batch of 12hrs prayer on Thursday, the prayer leader asked if we should continue the next week and the whole place resounded with a loud yes! Little did we know that we were at the brink of a spiritual breakthrough.
A few of the brethren (same as earlier) went on to spend 42hrs waiting on God from 6pm on Friday to 6am on Sunday. They were weak, frail and regular gentlemen, but they were thirsty. Passionate for reality and would not settle for anything less. We would later realize that we were not alone in this tireless pursuit. I must say at this point that some of the experiences we had seriously confronted our known theology.
For example there were days when we would be praying and our eyes would be open to see people praying with us and then the people would just vanish. I remember asking to confirm if I alone was seeing this and a number of people confirmed the same experience. This is actually my first time sharing this. It was only last year (2015) that better understanding came. God was trying to bring us into the understanding of a life we would be living as a body soon.
Sometime last year, the Lord told me we would be able to participate in meetings either via "audio or video"(spiritual) and be blessed from any part of the world without being there physically. Grace will be imparted to conquer time, space and matter. By the way, it has already started happening only that a good number of us are either not sensitive or don't yet understand the experience.
As the days passed, the incentives we got were so much that we couldn't have stopped. Every new day brought with it a greater awareness and consciousness of His presence. The following week was greeted with more enthusiasm. Only Heaven knew what was coming at us that week.
I humbly seek with every story or testimony, to inspire your hearts again. *Kenneth E. Hagin once prophesied that "if the church will believe and pray as the early church believed and prayed, we'll see as much as the saw and much more". Glory!!!*
Galatians 6:9; And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
I think one of the greatest fuels in times of waiting is hope. Hope keeps you going when all others think you are crazy. And our loving father preserves this hope by showing us what is to come.
The second week was greeted with much enthusiasm. We were sure we were close to hitting something even though we weren't certain what it was. *And so the prayers continued with strong groanings, passionate worship and inspiring sermons.* After the Monday round which ended by 6am Tuesday, were beginning to leave when a brother who was part of the meetings but had missed that night came narrating an encounter he had overnight.
He spoke of how he met with Jesus and saw and heard awesome things in heaven. Jesus spoke to him about many things including the campus. He said heaven was happy with our praying and wanted us to do much more. Jesus showed him the state of the campus and wept.
*An interesting part of the experience was the translation experience he had wherein he was taken physically to a room on campus where a couple were in the act of immorality. They saw him and ran out of the room. He vanished again from their sight. This was the second translation experience we recorded. Many more were to come as the days went by.*
Just hearing that Jesus had taken note of our labor and was proud of us was another fresh push in the spirit. The next night, as we prayed and worshiped, the spirit of prophecy fell on particular persons. One was a sister and the other was a brother. The sister spoke God's mind concerning several things and these were phone recorded.
The brother's experience however was more dramatic because his hands began to burn. He was given a mantle and was instructed to impart three people with it. Being a crude person in personality and new to the whole thing, he began acting weirdly as he wanted to get rid of the heat. Until he had imparted all three the fire wasn't going to stop burning on his hands and head.
The effect of the fire was so much that he began to pour sachets of pure water on his hands and head. This went on for 45mins. Two of the persons had received the impartation by this time. The last person wasn't in the meeting. We know because he saw the name of the person and began crying that we should contact her to come and receive hers immediately. Anyway she eventually ran down and received her portion.
*One interesting thing that happened was when this brother stood by one of the pillars. His head began to smoke. Believe it when I say smoke began coming out from the top of his head. Some persons touched it and felt it electrocute them. A particular brother put his hand to feel it and was knocked down by power and began immediately prophesying. Interestingly we realized later that he quoted scriptures he had no previous knowledge of.*
The brother with the fire experience was never to remain the same again as he started seeing very clearly and at such a rate that he had to rush to the school gate to get a note book to write all he was seeing and hearing. He was so overcome by the experience that he began to cry and ask what will become of him. A question I sincerely couldn't answer at the moment.
I heard later that the smoke thing occurred again while he followed his fellowship for evangelism. It was clear to see in the bright afternoon. I believe this was just a tip of the iceberg as believers will soon be seen walking around with fire literally on their heads. The experience that shook us the most was the corporate baptism that took place on the Thursday session of that week.
*Very early on Friday morning while we were listening to a charge on faith, angels appeared in the sky and could be seen by everyone. The clouds took the form of multiplied tongues of fire, the clouds gathered again and took the form of a throne and later on a crown. As we beheld these sights, the power hit us all. I've never felt God's power that way before because it was as though I was inside a river of electricity that I could literally feel. The meeting was disrupted for about 45mins as people began breaking into individual encounters.*
We gathered again together and decided to go to every hall to speak of Jesus and off we went at about 5am. I clearly remember someone who tried to touch me that morning and was electrified by the charges. It was just amazing. Anyway by the next day, the news had gone round and many more people came to see what God was doing.
As I'm writing this, I can still feel the atmosphere of some of the meetings and it is causing me to hunger again afresh for more.
*In the next and final account, I will just highlight some of the most unbelievable testimonies and experiences ranging from miracle finance, translations, power evangelism, angelic assistance and soon. It's been two years now and the offshoots of the meetings have not stopped. Nobody remains the same after a definite encounter with Yahweh. Child of God, anything is possible.*
The consciousness of God's presence and ability produces supernatural manifestations even when least expected.
I will try to run through as many stories around the move of God as I can remember.
*I'm not ignorant of the fact that most readers of this column will find these things absolutely ridiculous. The truth however remains that all things are possible.*
During the course of the prayers, different fellowships went for village evangelism and the result of the outreaches were several times more than we had seen in previous years.
*We heard of 100level students who used their shadows to cast out demons and demonstrate the power of God. The sinners were saved, the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf and dumb heard and spoke.*
*There was even a funny instance of a lame goat that was grabbed and healed.*
The spirit of God's children were stirred up to see results. It was now a question of how much you could accomplish during the evangelism so you can have a story to tell when you got back. We experienced the same child-like joy the disciples of Jesus experienced when they returned from their outreach.
A number of people set up meetings in their secondary schools and the fire fell everywhere.
In one school in Lagos, the children were so filled with the Holy Ghost that a young boy picked up his pen and started writing out in tongues. The children saw several visions and so on. Even their teachers were not left out.
*At another outreach to one Federal Government Girl's College, the impartation was so strong that the same explosion continued in their own meetings even after we had left. Muslims began hearing of the things happening in the chapel and started coming to view and ended up getting saved. It became a problem as the Muslim authority in the school banned them from coming close to the chapel.*
In yet another school, a Muslim boy of about 14yrs of age, who had previously sworn never to become a Christian went back home preaching in the bus. Upon getting home, he knelt down to talk to God for the first time and burst out uncontrollably in tongues.
His father was an Alhaji and so he located his mum's bible since she was a Christian. He fasted every day the following week and was encouraging his class mates to be serious with God. He asked us a very interesting question, he said 'how do I stop praying when I start and how do I stop when I start reading my Bible?' The God life became more or less an addiction for him. Glory!
*A brother with some others visited the school of the blind, they popped 9 blind eyes open.*
Some brethren, after attending a meeting in Lagos, went to a joint, accosted 15 smokers and got them cleansed, saved, healed and filled with the Holy Ghost. The addiction ended immediately.
There was a case of a haunted school. The students would hear sounds at night in the hall way. Many awkward things took place. Some students sometimes saw the demons and so on. Well, when the power hit the building, people saw demons packing and leaving the school premises with their loads. One JS 3 girl in particular was caught up to the third heavens with her hands physically hanging in the air. Glory!!
Before, during and after the prayer wave, there were interesting tales of translation experiences. - One brother was taken to the country called Wales bodily. This testimony when shared, opened the portal for more of the same experience.
- Later on, a sister and a brother were discussing about the experience this brother had and all of a sudden, she was translated and had further interesting experiences like casting out demons from a lady she met and ministering in a church there.
- Another brother was seeking admission into U.I at the time and was opportune to be a part of the meetings about the same period. He was called by a secondary school pupil from another state thanking him for coming to minister at their school. He inquired further to know the name of the school and how she got his no. She said he gave it to her and asked to confirm if it was his name, which he confirmed to be true. After describing him, the sermon he preached and how he gave her his no, it was clear that he was translated for that purpose without his knowledge.
*One sister went down the stair of a three storey hostel building to fetch water. On her way back from the tap, she dropped the bucket when she got to the ground floor and wished she didn't have to climb the stairs. When she picked up her bucket and looked up, she was on the top floor. She was so shocked and excited that she left her bucket and ran to the room to tell her roommate what had happened.*
Another case was a brother who was praying at Awo Mount Zion. Another student who was sick in Bello hall saw this brother come in to pray for him and left. He later related the experience to the brother who was in surprised because he was praying at the same time in question.
Another Sister was translated to Hong Kong and had the opportunity of preaching to 2 Chinese people. After the meeting, she heard a voice that said "you are going to minister in Accra". She was still on the bed in her room when she suddenly saw herself in Accra fully conscious of her body, she passed through a bridge in Accra and got to the market. Preached salvation, healing and after a deliverance session, she came back to her room.
A brother was translated to Manchester in the UK. He saw a crippled girl of about 4yrs of age and commanded her to be healed and she walked instantly before he came back to his room in Mellanby hall, U.I.
This was another rampant experience.
A brother supernaturally received money in his bag. First it was #8500 in a white envelop, the next time was #20,000 in a brown envelop. Another time, it was #1500 just in front of his door.
There were a number of people who received alerts without any idea of who sent the monies.
Some spent money and woke up to find the same money in their pockets.
One brother needed 10,000 naira urgently and he attended a meeting where they were told they would receive miracle money. He claimed the 10,000 naira by faith. While holding his wallet he slept and woke up with the Alert of 10,000naira with his 3names as the creditor.
A good number of times, the call credit on people's phones would just increase without anybody sending credit or a bonanza of any kind.
There was a very amazing story of a final year zoology student who had a project he was working on involving rats. He had to build a wooden cage with nets and so on. He had already built the cage before discovering that it was undersized, he came to the meeting that night and by the time he got back the next day the size of the cage had changed to the normal recommended size he needed. He also saw a bag of nets already cut to size standing beside the cage. He was so excited and proceeded to fix the nets in the appropriate parts.
There were people who had supernatural raise in their CGPAs
Many folks had their best school result that semester.
Words cannot describe the awesome feeling it brings to experience God's presence with your five senses.
There were moments when we smelt the glory.
-My first experience was when I went speak to the pupils at my secondary school. The Holy Spirit had just challenged me on the fact that his glory and presence has a smell that could be perceived differently by different persons and at different times. I simply announced that some would smell Jesus. And as the meeting progressed, it happened. The presence was so strong, the head girl began to weep as the aroma filled the atmosphere.
-Another moment was in UCH, this time I remember about 8 people perceived the aroma.
There were times when the power level was so strong that people could feel the voltage when they came close to you. Sometimes I would pity people because of the violent impact the voltage had on them. Kai, I love God's power.
-One brother's body was so electrifying after one of the meetings that friends who tried touching him felt like they touched a naked wire.
*Another instance was when a brother was preparing for a meeting and had spent some time confessing that he was full of power. He continued for hours until the bulb in his room blew.*
A brother went to minister in his secondary school and a student couldn't come close to him because of the bright light that was emanating from his body.
I remember a particular meeting where the power surge caused a lady to levitate and hit the ground twice.
Sometimes the effect of the power of God would cause the people to scream in shock. Many times, we wouldn't even know what next to do again because it was sometimes beyond our knowledge and experience.
One time, some of the brethren were talking about Bob Jones and Paul Cain and how walking with God is so glorious. Then suddenly a cloud came into the room and filled the atmosphere.
Some very instant replies to prayers and decrees were recorded.
We were praying on one of the nights and the Lord led us to judge the powers in charge of certain hostels. The meeting wasn't even over when we began to see smoke rising from Tedder hall. It turned out to be a fire outbreak. Upon inquiry, the lord told us that it was a physical representation of the judgment that took place in the spirit.
*Another time of instant answer to prayer was when we decreed that Christians will wake up praying. A brother got to his room only to find his Muslim roommate praying in the spirit. What a shock it was. Upon further inquiry, it was gathered that the young man woke up and couldn't control his lips. He spent over 2hrs praying in tongues. God can do anything.*
Another scenario took place in UCH. The Christian medical student found it extremely difficult to pray in the hostel. After about 9hrs of prayer, we went to the hostel to make a decree that Christians will find it easy to pray. As we shouted 'portal open', one lady who was sleeping on her bed, at that same second felt like a chain fell off her hands and legs and started praying out loud in the spirit. People now find it easy to pray in the hostel. The spirit of heaviness, weariness and prayerlessness was evacuated from the premises.
An interesting scenario happened two days into the prayers. A night party was to hold three nights after. So we got the fliers and prayed to the cancel the meeting. The next day a circular went out via the university authority (very unusual) discouraging students from going for the party. We heard that the party was a total failure as almost nobody turned up.
In one meeting people were challenged on the fact that they could speak with saints in heaven, a student of OAU at the meeting saw the Apostle Paul who explained to him the subject of justification by faith.
As the tempo of the meetings rose, it was time to set up an organized 3 days meeting since the school had just resumed for the next semester. We contacted a number of fathers and mothers in the faith to come and serve as a covering as well as bless the move.
On the first day of the meetings, we were over 200 people praying in the Holy Ghost and pressing in for 12hrs. By the second day, we were over 400. By the third day, we were over 650. You can just imagine the volts generated. There were abundance of words of knowledge. The charges were palpable. Oh how I long for a repeat of such things again. No need to tell you that great miracles were recorded in the meetings.
In the meetings, we heard angels singing audibly from the speaker and at a time the keyboard was playing by itself but when we checked, there was no one playing the keyboard
Notable miracles like genotype change took place. One guy stood as a point of contact to his girlfriend in the past. He called her and told her to go for a test. She came out with an AA test result. Glory!
There was an outbreak of ability to demonstrate God's power. Folks went to their classes and hostels and demonstrated God's power growing out hands and healing the sick.
Growths disappeared from people. Oil flowed from people hands. Gold dust were seen on people and are still being seen from time to time. Some were slain for hrs. Pastors from the church main stream began coming to see what was happening. Some came bringing word concerning the campus, the move and basically to encourage us. Visions of the lord were rampant.
One lady called me to complain that she now dreads praying because when she starts and is overwhelmed on her bed, the rest of the day is gone as she'd just be there shaking under the power till evening. She had to start doing her quiet time during the evenings before sleeping. What a problem to have. Glory!
A young man and his group(13 in all) were serving tea in 10cups for 13people as they had only hoping to serve the remaining 3 when some had finished theirs. But as they were filling up the 10 cups 3 cups materialized making 13cups for the 13people waiting to be served
In one meeting, while praying on the chapel field, the power of God was tangible. One lady got hit by God's power but was about falling on a slab on the ground when suddenly the slab dematerialize by the time she fell.
Just last month, one brother after being challenged to press in for more, visited his fiancée and filled her empty stove with water without her knowledge. She cooked three meals (Eba, vegetable soup, rice, stew and so on) in the space of two days. After each meal, he would ask her if she bought kerosene. Her reply was always that there was kerosene in the stove already. Well, he had to speak out and in disbelief, she went to see for herself but this time the stove did not come on.
Now we hear of 100L and 200L Students spending as much as 54hrs praying in the spirit. Some went as far as 73hrs. Of course some of us had to up our game. Its just been exciting. What used to be a big deal before is no longer one. The miraculous is still the order of the day. Gems are now being seen popping out of thin air.
Supernatural instant weight losses. Belly fat disappearing and so on. Experiences that are still rare in other circles of Christ's body are child's play around these people. It all boils down to the fact that the word and prayer level in most gatherings is never enough to shift the atmosphere we currently work with. Even now I wish the current students would envision the greater possibilities and press into it. Somebody must be hungry enough to push and carry others along. That person can be you.
I'm forever grateful to God for the kairos He caused us to enter into by mercy. I see much more happening in the days to come on an even greater scale. In my spirit I can hear Ibadan Prays, Nigeria Prays, Africa Prays and so on. My prayer for you is that faith to seek God will be imparted and that your five spiritual senses will be awakened to the reality of heaven. I pray that you'll receive grace to be a revival catalyst in your local church. Glory to God.

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