Have you ever been tired of breathing, even though breathing is work?..... Never!
To be tired of breathing is to be tired of living! That is the pathway of death!
Praying is like breathing...
When we breathe, we establish and enforce our presence in the land of the living, in this natural world.
In the same vein, when we pray, we establish and enforce our presence in the supernatural world.
The day we drew our very first breath (at birth), we all cried because it was such an enormous task...
We felt like our lungs could not handle it. But with time, we got used to it.
The work didn't reduce, rather we mastered the act of breathing and turned it into the beautiful art of living.
Now we do it effortlessly and subconsciously, and we enjoy doing it... Who doesn't enjoy living?
So we are ready to fight, even with our last strength and supplies, anything that would make us stop breathing, be it disease or physical danger.
This was the exact same thing we cried about because we detested it when our natural life in this world began.
Prayer is just like that. It is our life in the spirit.
To be a believer and not pray is to be missing in action... To be present and yet absent.
Prayer is first an act we may struggle with at the beginning.
But we must master it until it becomes an art and a pleasure we cannot do without.
The only way to master prayer is to keep at it like the new born keeps at breathing, even as we cry from its perceived pain on the 'lungs' of our spirit.
Remember this: the same wind of prayer that is giving so much discomfort to your body right now, gives your spirit wings to soar and navigate the Heavenly realms, where you are seated with Christ Jesus!
Is prayer yet to become a pleasurable art you cannot do without?
Don't fret...
Just keep taking in those breaths. Keep on with the act, and soon you will master it.
And your mastery of it will transform it into an art.
For like Aristotle said, "we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit".
And like the wisest king that ever lived said, "for SURELY there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off" (Proverbs 23:18 KJV).
Now go back to that prayer closet. Your Heavenly Father awaits you with arms wide open.
Let us pray...
Shalom... Blessings!
Chika Emmanuel Okoye
(Dr Custodian)
(Dr Custodian)