BURDEN!! BURDEN!! – Lucky Otutu -Write ups

BURDEN!! BURDEN!! – Lucky Otutu

It was a bright friday morning.. I had been pressing for something in God before that day and haven’t seen it’s full reality…. i was to goto the office that morning (i was still at yola) in order to collect my nysc allowance from my primary place of assignment (PPA). I didn’t want to get to the office before the cashier so i called a colleague to kindly call me when she(the cashier) arrives.
While i waited, the Holy-spirit decided to rush me with strange burden again. I began to press again… KAI.. BURDEN IS THE DRIVE FOR PRAYER.. I was desperate.. I had prayed… But what God has released wasn’t where i desire to stop. I began groan in the room… LOOORRRRDD, PLEASE SET ME ON FIRE…. I pressed and pressed.. Time lost it’s relevance. Suddenly, i noticed my colleague has been trying to reach me. I picked his call and rushed to the bathroom.. Still yet.. I couldn’t stop praying.. Kept pressing in tongues in the bathroom…crying LORDD, PLEASE WHERE IS FIRE???
I dressed up and rushed to the office. Inside the keke napeb i still couldn’t control myself…. My heart was heavyy.. I was literally crying…i was seeing in my spirit people i need to reach; Youths craving for revival, Cripples craving to walk, blinds wishing they could see colors, dead altars begging for a supernatural awakening.. Hungry youths…arghhh..i cried.. LORRDD… IS THIS HOW I WILL REMAIN.. I NEED AN ENCOUNTER.. DO SOMETHING ABNORMAL TO ME…
I dropped from the tricycle and entered the office. Greeted my friend and at the same time was praying… I was completely not normal that day… BURDEEENNN!!!
We got to the woman’s office only to discover that she wasn’t in. The heat was too hot on me. I couldn’t control the burden because people would begin that i was running mad.
Immediately, i told my colleague that i would return. I needed to go somewhere. I asked him to reach me when she was back. I entered a tricycle and hurried to church. I needed to prayyyy… Have HUNGER eaten you up to the extent that EVERYWHERE LOOKS LIKE A “SECRET PLACE”.. Inside the keke i was literally crying.. LORRRD DON’T DO THIS TO ME.. YOU’RE FAITHFUL… TURN ME TO FIRE…MY GENERATION NEEDS A MAN… A MAN… A MAN NOT TWO.. JUST A MAN!!! 
I got to church and the auditorium was being used, i met my friend and pleaded she show me where I can pray… She asked me to pray gently in the main auditorium but i replied BABE!!! WHAT IS DOING ME NOW IS LOUD, I CAN’T PRAY IT GENTLY…She gave me access to a room, i won’t forget my words to Jesus
“Jesus, This is beyond the 50th day i have been pressing on this matter,
Is FIRE finished in Heaven?
Tell me so that i can stop wasting time if i am truly wasting time,
Looorrrdd, please give me this thing,
What did you to do apostle babalola?
Lorrrd, am i late??
Tell me so that i tell my generation that we are wasting our time,
Make me FIRE “FUL” not FIRE “HALF”
Use me so i won’t be useless,
Looooorddddd… USE ME or KILL ME,
Kill meee…i promise you i won’t be angry,
I will tell my generation that GOD DECIDED NOT TO USE ME,
Loorddd tonight, KILL ME if i will be useless.”
That night, i kept awake, i didn’t sleep. I watched the time as it clocked 12:00AM. I touched my self to see if i was DEAD. I looked carefully, i noticed i wasn’t dead.. Then i screamed LORRRD I AM ALIVE.. I AM NOT DEAD… LOOORDD… I AM ALIVE.. That means I WILL BE USEFUL TO THIS GENERATION.. MAKE ME A MESSAGE TO MY GENERATION… WE NEED JUST A MAN.. A MAN THAT WILL PASS ENTER A CITY AND REVIVAL WILL SPREAD LIKE VIRUS.. JUST A MAN WHO WILL BE A PORTAL FOR REVIVAL… YOU NEED A MAN… OYA FIND ME!!!
kaaaiiiii BURDEN is a “wicked” influence of the Spirit.. It can make you do unimaginable things… I started another pressing that night… Crying… SHEBI I AM NOT DEAD… TURN ME TO FIRE.. Lorrrd….Make me a mobile fire… TURNN MEEE TO REVIVAL!!! TURRNNN ME!!! DO SOMETHING TO ME GOD… DAMAGE ME WITH FIRE!!! LET ME SEE IT’S REALITY!!!
BURDEN eats a man faster than cancer,
When the Spirit inflicts a man with burden, that man is GONE.
MY Burden is geared towards my generation,
I pray for my generation more than i pray for my parents,
I have fasted and had more vigils over my generation that i have had for my future wife…Burden!!!
Kaaaii BURDEN is the Propeller for prayer.
Kai… Can we press?
Photocredits: 12hours Capital Tongues

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