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Sir!! There are *GATES* in the Realm Of the Spirit🔥

Pray in Tongues as you Read🔥

              *ANCIENT GATES🌁*

Ancient Gates Occupied and Controlled by Ancient Gate Keepers Operating as Custodians (Mark 3:27) using Ancient Locks and Keys👌🏽 

*GATES* which never went into extinction,, were never hidden nor Secluded..

*AVAILABLE* to every man
*VISIBLE* to Spiritual Men 
*OPENED* to and *ACCESED* by Ancient Men🔥(Holy or Evil) 

In our Kingdom,, MEN that have Encountered the God of ENOCH,,Of DAVID and The likes🔥

That You Meet such Men and u r Opened to Common and Strange Dimensions in The Spirit, Accurately, whether u Have Faith or Not.. 
It's not by Mistake or Coincidence sir!!❌❌🔥

It's By Mastery! 

Such Men have become GATES themselves 👉🏽

Guided and guarded by this Ancient Spirit,
Supported by Ancient Pillars(Covenants),
Sustained by Ancient Mysteries🔥

*GATES* made Available to Men Carrying the Ancient Spirit 
But Accessed by Men who have Exploited 💥,Aligned and have become Slaves to the Ancient Spirit(Holy Or Evil)

Men who would say from an Aligned Heart 

Read, be blessed and Rebroadcast ...❤

*© Light Bearers' Network*


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