[Writeups] About Apostle Arome Osayi

About Arome Osayi

Apostle Arome Osayi is a firebrand man of God who has vowed to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nook and cranny of Nigeria, especially to places where there is difficulty in spreading the word.

In this interview the Makurdi, Benue State-born Apostle who is the founder of Remnant Christian Network and the convener of Festival of Glory Crusade, he explained his vision and mission as he carries on with the journey.

Read the excerpts here:
Could you tell us about yourself, family, career, and ministry?
I was born as the fifth child in a family of seven; my father was the late Chief Paul Ameh Osayi. I was born into a Christian home and I remember giving my life to Christ at the age of seven in ECWA 1, Barracks Road, Makurdi, during a Sunday school class.
Apostle Arome Osayi says God took him to heaven (Remnant Christian Network)

How did you move from being born again Christian to becoming a preacher of the gospel?
Even though my discipline is in the line of Chemistry, I was sure about my call at the age of 12 or 13 when I had a series of encounters with God and I began to work towards it from that time
My early Christian life was shaped by the writings of Watchman Nee and the ministry of Benny Hinn.
My transition to a preacher can be referenced to an encounter I had where I was taken to heaven and I stood on a mountain and watched people going to hell and I was sent to do something about the situation of the people.
This happened when I was 13-years-old. And those moments began to shape my life. I couldn't find rest in any other thing outside the ministry.
You seem to have the power to unlock the word of God with so much depth and accuracy in your preachings. How did you come about that particular gift?
Well, I trace my teaching ability to the great impartation I received while serving under Reverend Pita Momoh Edwards of Sanctuary of Mercy.
The impartation made me begin to desire and study the word of God faithfully and I also began to see very deep things in the scriptures; this has continued for 23 years now.
Your brand of the gospel seems different from the conventional preaching around. What has made you thrive with such unpopular messages?
I was called to preach the Gospel of the kingdom. That's the message for the end time church. Every time I go before God, that's the emphasis I hear in the spirit.
I discovered that Christianity in Nigeria is weak because it is kingless. Once the king is introduced, government and order will set in.
  Apostle Arome Osayi wants to change the world with his divine mandate (Remnant Christian Network)

Why are you still headquartered in Makurdi when there seems to be a lot of acceptance for your ministry all over the country?
I am in Makurdi and will remain in Makurdi because God told me many years ago that a mighty revival will break out of the city and the region that will affect the world and that I am one of the ministers chosen to midwife the revival in the territory.
There is this general notion that people who are committed to your Apostolic Centre in Makurdi don't go to church on Sundays. What is your take on this?
Well, I may not know why it is so. I suggest you talk to such people to get their views but I am well aware of members of the ministry that are very strategic and resourceful members of their local assemblies.
Remnant Christian Network is one of the fastest growing apostolic networks in Nigeria. You are literally in all the major cities in Nigeria. What gave birth to this unprecedented growth?
We have been running with a divine policy direction from Isaiah 37:31 which says; 'And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward'.
So going by this policy, we took prayer and intercessory roots for 10 years and the resultant effect is the explosion being witnessed.
Let's talk about your recent invasion of Europe. What was responsible for that with your sons and daughters moving there for studies and work?
The invasion of Europe began with a Skype bible study I did with a family for one year and a few months; that is what translated to the branch in the UK.
But for other parts of Europe, I began with the messages we uploaded to our website for free downloads.
The last time I was in Makurdi, I saw that you are building a massive camp that will have a hospital, a 3, 000 capacity auditorium, a TV station and hostel facilities. What was the inspiration behind this project?
The camp project was as a result of a vision of glory I had many years ago of an apostolic center where many nations of the world will come and find the true God and see accurate apostolic patterns that can be replicated in their various nations.
Apostle Arome Osayi (Remnant Christian Network)

Where do you see yourself and your ministry in the next 10 years?
In the next 10 years, I am trusting God for the restoration of the true Gospel in Nigeria and Africa through the influence of a strong network of ministers.

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